"A robot must obey orders given it by qualified personnel," - Isaac Asimov

"It came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time." - "What Sarah Said," by Death Cab for Cutie

"Open up your murder eyes and see the ugly world that spat you out." - "Temple Grandin," Andrew Jackson Jihad

"Don't you want to lose the part of your brain that has opinions? To not even know what you are doing, or care about yourself or your species in the billions." - "That Black Bat Licorice" by Jack White

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vocabulary #2

Accoutrements- an accessory item of equipment; outward forms of recognition Example: Her military vest was coated in accoutrements.
Apogee - a final climactic stage Example: The apogee of the film was disturbing in a great way. Apropos - of an appropriate or pertinent nature; by the way; at an opportune time Example: Your points are not apropos in this discussion, please stop.
Bicker - a quarrel about petty points; argue over petty things Example: Stop bickering over which sports team is better.
Coalesce - fuse or cause to grow together; mix together different elements Example: The band's sound formed a perfect coalescence of doom and black metal.
Contretemps - an inopportune occurrence or situation Example: Life is a series of contretemps that lead nowhere.
Convolution - the action of coiling or twisting or winding together; a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain; the shape of something rotating rapidly Example: A strange convolution rocked my skull, and I found myself enjoying it.
Cull - the person or thing is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality; remove something that has been rejected; look for and gather Example: The people were violently culled by their leaders.
Disparate - including markedly dissimilar elements; fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind Example: The disparate nature of our political system makes democracy impossible.
Dogmatic - characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles; relating to or involving dogma; of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative Example: You can believe whatever you want to about your dogmatic scripture, but don't shove it in my face.
Licentious - lacking moral discipline Example: They were very licentious because they only cared for themselves and did whatever they wanted to others.
Mete - a line that indicates a boundary Example: After you cross that mete don't be surprised if I shove you to the ground.
Noxious - injurious to physical or mental health Example: Though the medication treated the infection, it was noxious towards the patient's appetite.
Polemic - of or involving dispute or controversy(especially over a belief or dogma) Example: The polemic argument between the two groups will never end.
Populous - densely populated Example: The populous country began to experience a severe food shortage as time passed.
Probity - complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles Example: The organization's self-proclaimed probity was shattered after the scandal.
Repartee - adroitness and cleverness in reply Example: Her repartee was so great that everyone in the vicinity laughed.
Supervene - take place as an additional or unexpected development Example: Hopefully no natural disaster supervenes our weekend plans.
Truncate - terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off Example: The Fox News anchor casually truncated the guest's argument within ten seconds.
Unimpeachable - beyond doubt or reproach; not subject to blame Example: Stop spending the club's money on bulk cocaine deals; you aren't impeachable.

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